Eichengreen says establishing the renminbi's global clout is good in the long term.
Having big brands with global clout helps consumer-goods companies to get more space on retailers' shelves.
You need not be an avid viewer of HSBCs ads to know that banking is all about global clout and local savvy.
You need not be an avid viewer of HSBC's ads to know that banking is all about global clout and local savvy.
But there is a world of difference between the mature, highly competitive German market and using its global clout to shape an African market that is still in its infancy.
And there's no question which way the momentum is headed: Just as more people will continue to migrate from farms to cities, more global clout will move from West to East.
Disqus, a comments platform for bloggers, has experimented with allowing users to rate one another's comments and feed those ratings into a global reputation system called Clout.
Mr Rudd hoped that forcing it to change how it uses energy would give the country clout in forging a global consensus.
At the same time the fund still has no clout over countries it does not lend to, even if their policies hurt the global economy (as the excess build-up of reserves, especially in China, surely did).
At the same time the fund still has no clout over countries it does not lend to, even if their policies hurt the global economy (as the excess build-up of reserves, especially in China, surely did).