In short, global financial regulation is neither feasible, nor prudent, nor desirable.
Nicolas Sarkozy has cranked up the pressure before the G20 summit, suggesting he could walk out if his calls for tighter global financial regulation are not met.
Second, we need to accelerate efforts to establish a global framework for financial regulation.
He said that the globalization of financial markets was built on a "false pretense" that financial markets could be left to their own devices and said global regulation was needed.
Righting them will require wholesale reform both of financial regulation and of the entire global monetary system.
Every time global financial markets go into turmoil, most recently thanks to the US sub-prime mortgage fiasco, voices rise to demand global regulation.
But he sees the need for greater regulation and monitoring of global financial markets.
THE clarion call for a global system of financial regulation can be heard everywhere.
They include financial -regulation efforts, such as global standards to identify which large financial institutions could pose risks to the financial system, and how to lessen those risks.
The summiteers will discuss global regulation not just of conventional commercial Banks, but also of other parts of the financial system like hedge funds - a key European demand.
This paper obtained at the institutional level that the financial crisis can be regulated by law regulation, while as for the global economy, financial crisis depends on national economic strategy.
The UK, with its position as a global hub for the financial services industry and tradition of light touch regulation, has its own interests to defend.
The global financial crisis has highlighted the importance of prudential regulation of banks for ensuring stability of the global financial system.
The measures for financial markets proposed by EU leaders are a sweeping and tough reaction to what many perceive to be excesses and lack of regulation that helped trigger the global economic crisis.
European leaders have said they will use the meeting to promote a global system of financial regulation.
The foreign research on macro stress test of banking system was already systemic. The global financial crisis made it clear that stress test was important for macro-prudential regulation.
The foreign research on macro stress test of banking system was already systemic. The global financial crisis made it clear that stress test was important for macro-prudential regulation.