As a responsible member of the international community, China is struggling for reform of the UN and the global governance system so they are more effective and representative of the international community as a whole.
A deal must include an equitable global governance structure.
There is a huge potential for our cooperation in global governance.
The vogue is to talk of new institutions or new fora for global governance.
She is now a professor of global governance at the London School of Economics.
The second broad issue, Hoffman said, is that global governance is failing.
Daniel Hoffman表示,第二个问题是全球管理失败。
Global governance of public health was part of the discussions during that meeting.
We affirmed our Shared interest in open markets and effective global governance.
The world needs more transparency, integrity and systems of global governance, he argues.
Our future and, in some respects, our survival depend on our ability to develop the appropriate global governance.
Four policy suggestions are suggested to improve the capability of China to participate in global governance of S&T.
These institutions are considered prestigious in global governance, and the attack is a milestone achievement for the hacktivists.
Drawing on the positive aspects of the Asian way suggests the possibility of more inclusive decision-making in the institutions of global governance.
ACCA also states in its paper that global governance and the role of international financial institutions need to be subject to a rigorous review.
Rather than ganging up on China in an effort to "contain" it, the West would do better to get China to take up its share of the burden of global governance.
Hu Angang, Wei Xing. Governance Capacity and Social opportunity-an Empirical Research Based on Global Governance Indicators. Hebei Academic Journal, 2009 (1).
胡鞍钢,魏星。治理能力与社会机会—基于世界治理指标的实证研究[J]。河北学刊,2009 (1)。
Successful implementation of the strategy will require concerted action by countries, effective global governance and appropriate engagement of all relevant stakeholders.
After four years of negotiations, the historic Paris Agreement was finally adopted at the end of 2015, laying foundation for the future global governance of climate change.
〔提 要〕历经四年谈判,2015年底的气候大会最终通过了决定未来全球气候变化治理格局的《巴黎协定》。
As global challenges are becoming more and more serious in the procession of globalization, global governance has turned into one of the most important parts of modern international affairs.
Governance at all levels - global, national, and local - will emerge as a critical issue for climate change.
Numerous networks and partnerships have emerged in response to the gaps in global energy governance.
But big changes in world governance seem possible only after great global upheavals.
Global economic governance will be a top priority, notably in the G20.
By encouraging them to dust off their pet ideas, the summit will at the very least create a bull market in new schemes for global economic governance.
Global health governance is essential because states will not accept international norms without genuine partnerships, equitable burden sharing and efficient programmes that improve health outcomes.
Strengthen global food security governance.
This initiative breaks new ground in terms of global health governance.
Numerous networks and partnerships have emerged inresponse to the gaps in global energy governance.
Numerous networks and partnerships have emerged inresponse to the gaps in global energy governance.