The genetic improvement is an effective way to reduce glucosinolate content of the rapeseed.
Results can be improved by calibrating sectional model for low content and large range total glucosinolate.
Boiling appeared to have a serious impact on the retention of those important glucosinolate within the vegetables.
The content of protein is 86.12 %, the extraction rate of protein is 24.35 %, phytic acid and glucosinolate content become less.
The distribution and biochemical property, glucosinolate breakdown products, and their biological effects are reviewed in this paper.
For the double low rapeseed cakes, more than 90% tannin is removed and no glucosinolate is detected in the resulted rapeseed cake by UV.
脱壳冷榨双低菜籽饼脱毒后硫甙的含量用紫外分光光度法检测不出,单宁的脱除率达90 %。
The loss of total glucosinolate content after boiling for 30 minutes was: broccoli 77%, Brussel sprouts 58%, cauliflower 75% and green cabbage 65%.
Rapeseed meal meets the standard of the first grade low-glucosinolate rapeseed meal for fodder of NY 417-2000, which protein content is more than 46%.
Structural characters of glucosinolate and its hydrolysis products, separation methods, analysis methods and biological effects are reviewed in this paper.
The pocket Glucosinolate detector is a double -light source solid phase absorption measuring instrument which is composed of some novel compact assemblages.
Aspergillas Niger is one of the microbes to detoxicate rapeseed meal. It can decrease the contents of phytin acid and glucosinolate in rapeseed meal effectively.
Here, we high light recent progress in glucosinolate research, with particular emphasis on the biosynthetic pathway and its metabolic relationships to auxin homeostasis.
The effect of cooking on the glucosinolate content of vegetables was then studied by investigating the effects of cooking by boiling, steaming, microwave cooking and stir-fry.
Domestic storage of the vegetables at ambient temperature and in a domestic refrigerator showed no significant difference with only minor loss of glucosinolate levels over 7 days.
We further discuss emerging insight into the signaling networks and regulatory proteins that control glucosinolate accumulation during plant development and in response to environmental challenge.
We further discuss emerging insight into the signaling networks and regulatory proteins that control glucosinolate accumulation during plant development and in response to environmental challenge.