Once you go over the 1,000-page range, however, an index may not be practical, since the site will likely have changed before the index is complete.
如果达到1000页大小,编制索引就不太现实了,因为很可能索引还没有编好,网站的内容就改变了。 这时就不是为整个网站编辑索引,而是为某部分编制单独索引了。
Once you go over the 1,000-page range, however, an index may not be practical, since the site will likely have changed before the index is complete.
如果达到1000页大小,编制索引就不太现实了,因为很可能索引还没有编好,网站的内容就改变了。 这时就不是为整个网站编辑索引,而是为某部分编制单独索引了。