Am I too old to go trick or treating?
请问17岁晚trick-or-treating算晚吗? 不要钱的糖果什么的让我怎么忍心放弃!
Offer a selection of juice boxes or homemade apple cider to help kids stay hydrated while they go trick-or-treating and get their daily dose of Vitamin C.
What if my own children want to go trick-or-treating?
"Weddings are generally boring, especially for kids, so we decided to do something fun for the kids," Beyer said. "Then they could go out trick-or-treating."
Rubber masks of the trio are among the most popular purchases by Americans eager to shake off the economic doldrums and go trick-or-treating on October 31, costume sellers say。
据万圣节服饰销售商介绍,上述三人的橡胶面具最受美国民众欢迎。 随着10月31日万圣节的到来,深受经济危机困扰的人们迫不及待地想要放松一下,在万圣夜耍耍“不给糖果就捣乱”的小把戏。
Most children dress up in costumes and go "Trick-or-Treating" by walking around to different houses and asking for candy.
Trick kor Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.
Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.
Rubber masks of the trio are among the most popular purchases by Americans eager to shake off the economic doldrums and go trick-or-treating on October 31, costume sellers say.
Get dressed up, but don't go trick-or-treating.
Get dressed up, but don't go trick-or-treating.