Google Checkout Gadget is "Good Enough"
Is Google checkout and Google Wallet API same?
Currently, the Verizon apps section doesn't allow for any special purchase options; you'll still have to use your Google Checkout account.
目前,Verizon应用程序部分并不允许任何特殊的购买选项,你依然必须使用Google Checkout账户。
After signing up for your Google Checkout Seller Account the next step is to list the products you want to sell in a Google Docs spreadsheet.
在注册Google Checkout卖家帐户后,下一步是在GoogleDocs电子表格(spreadsheet)中列出希望出售的产品。
The merchant has to set up a Google Checkout merchant account, populate the store with merchandise and then install the Android Payment Chrome Extension.
商家需要建立一个Google Checkout账户,在网店里摆满商品,然后安装Android支付Chrome扩展。
The extension will then create a QR code, which when scanned with the phone will take the customer to Google Checkout page where they can complete the transaction.
然后该扩展将生成一个二维码,用户通过手机扫描就可以进入Google Checkout页面完成交易。
On June 29th Google introduced an online-payment service called Checkout, which is intended to compete with the PayPal service owned by eBay.
6月29日,谷歌推出了一个名为“Checkout ”的在线支付服务,准备和易趣的“PayPal ”一争高下。
On June 29th Google introduced an online-payment service called Checkout, which is intended to compete with the PayPal service owned by eBay.
6月29日,谷歌推出了一个名为“Checkout ”的在线支付服务,准备和易趣的“PayPal ”一争高下。