Plus Google Latitude integration!
If you have location information, provide it in terms of latitude and longitude so Exhibit can create a map view within Google Maps.
The code USES the latitude and longitude retrieved for a given Twitter user to create a Google Maps map.
代码将使用针对给定t witter用户检索的纬度和经度创建GoogleMaps地图。
Google Maps work with coordinates - you know, latitude and longitude - those Numbers that essentially pinpoint anything on earth.
Google Maps really doesn't know anything about Washington, D.C., for example. It only knows about latitude 38.8920910 and longitude -77.0240550.
比如说,Google地图其实一点也不了解Washington,D.C.,它只知道纬度 38.8920910和经度 -77.0240550。
The mashup is demonstrated: latitude and longitude coordinates from the Google map are sent to the Flickr API through the Ajax mechanism, and photographs are returned from Flickr.
Last year Google launched a service called Latitude that allows friends to track one another's movements.
I am using Google maps projection method to calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude.
I am using Google maps projection method to calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude.