Government employees may be screened by the security services.
I would like to take English courses for the government employees to improve my English ability.
Government employees earn 21% more than private ones and are 24% more likely to have access to health care.
We have accumulated rich experience for the continued education of government employees and professionals.
A couple of young government employees from Shanghai, on their honeymoon, waited in a line to enter the Louis Vuitton boutique.
Government employees and soldiers are the only groups that the law forbids from getting tattooed, but Mr. Hareb says this law is loosely enforced.
On these grounds, the nation established the medical grant system for government employees, which plays a vital role in the official medical security system.
Mr Hunt said that the email addresses in the leak included 170 ending in ". Gov ", meaning us government employees used their work email addresses to sign up.
As news report, Chongqing city hopes to hire 10,000 college graduates as village managers, with the promise that they may later be transferred as government employees.
Senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government.
The SOEs pay high salaries and bonuses to their executives and employees, which means less money for the government and shareholders.
An enterprise scans or downloads a government form to produce statements for their employees.
Despite government plans to "nudge" employees into these schemes from 2012, the worry is that those habits are too entrenched to shift.
Fifth, the Zhujiang Beer Group Co. , Ltd. blatant evasion of labour laws, as the Government and the inverse, threats, forced labor contract signed and illegal dismissal of employees.
From 1987 to 1989, our country changed a lot to the "Government Administrative Employees' Regulations", and changed the name into "Civil Servant Provisional Administrative Regulations".
The system of "government operation of taxies" in Nanjing has been implemented since 2005 in order to solve a series of problems of taxi trade and guarantee the rights and interests of employees.
The predecessor of our country's present civil servant administrative system is the "Government administrative Employees' Regulations" in 1985.
Yesterday, 7, Xiantao city government rent second branch of the 12 employees in the unit as usual cafeteria dining.
Yesterday, 7, Xiantao city government rent second branch of the 12 employees in the unit as usual cafeteria dining.