Ellipsis and substitution are not only grammatical relations holding between linguistic forms, but also closely linked to information structure which is based on contexts.
Ellipsis is a very common grammatical phenomenon in English, especially in some particular situations.
This essay mainly analyze the function of grammatical cohesion, such as reference, ellipsis and substitution, conjunction.
And Huang Guowen classifies reference, substitution and ellipsis into grammatical cohesion, and the other two categories into lexical cohesion. This thesis adopts this classification.
As a grammatical device for the cohesion of discourse, ellipsis in both the Chinese language and English can be divided into nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis.
作为一种句法现象,省略不仅可以避免重复、突出新信息,而且也是语篇衔接的一种重要语法手段。 英汉两种语言中的省略现象可大致分为名词性省略、动词性省略和小句性省略。
This article mainly discusses inversion and ellipsis, the two grammatical rhetoric techniques of an abstract writing of the medical English research paper.
This article mainly discusses inversion and ellipsis, the two grammatical rhetoric techniques of an abstract writing of the medical English research paper.