"It describes the power needed to propel a bike against our everyday foes: gravity, weight, friction, wind resistance," he writes.
Normal swells, known technically as gravity waves, are created by wind pushing the surface of the sea up and gravity then pulling it down, causing it to bounce.
These waves between Indonesia (top) and the coast of Australia (bottom) aren't caused by wind. They're a direct result of gravity.
A keel also provides weight low under the water to lower the boat's center of gravity below the waterline, which is needed so that the boat bobs back upright if knocked over by wind or waves.
Primary effects include gravity and wind - but at a secondary level, you have to think about temperature and moisture changes, the materials slightly deforming under load.
The atmosphere dispersion theory was used to analyze the influence ol calm wind and gravity action on the diffusion of dust particles .
They never seem to be pushed by wind or pulled by gravity, so even the most advanced CGI doesn't quite tally with anything we've seen on Earth.
Quayside container cranes are easily attacked by typhoon or paroxysmal fitful wind because of the big windward area and the high center of gravity.
And under the condition of propagating against weak wind, most of medium-scale gravity waves can reach observation height.
This paper presents the calculation method of external loadings for offshore drilling platforms induced by gravity, buoyancy, wind, wave, current and seismic force, and relative computer programs.
The steel framing of a multi-storey building is a system of beams, girders or trusses, and columns, designed to carry all the gravity loads of the structure and to resist wind and earth-quake forces.
The gravity wave dispersion can promote the propagation of the strong wind center along the LLJ, and the dispersion direction was influenced by the steering flow and the water vapor concentrated area.
The short wave disturbance did not match the undulation of the wind field, and the characteristics of its phase propagation were similar to those of gravity waves.
In this paper, the variation of spectral structure of acoustic gravity waves (AGW's) propagating through a region of vertical wind shear is investigated.
It was a lonely quest for the two of them in their garage behind the shop, plotting to defy gravity and conquer the wind.
The perception of falling probably depends on visual and wind cues along with information from the organs that sense gravity directly.
We imagined that a variety of radio sources morphology are the result due to the transversal wind and the sub-gravity force.
We imagined that a variety of radio sources morphology are the result due to the transversal wind and the sub-gravity force.