Great TEAM effort and body feeling good.
Raul's goal was out of this world and Nando's second was a great team effort.
In this instance, the evolutionary model itself provided great value, allowing the team to avoid unnecessary work and duplication of effort.
It allows the team to develop wonderfully rich and great-looking widgets with little or no effort to integrate them within the application.
"Paul has done great," Rene told ManUtd. com. "It's a team effort and the results show how strongly Paul and I try to work together."
The institute has a sanguine and industrious work-team, who have paved their way ahead with great enthusiasm and effort.
It was a great win for us, a hard fought game that we were able to win thanks to a great effort by the whole team.
It was a great win for us, a hard fought game that we were able to win thanks to a great effort by the whole team.