Why are you so chicken, Gregory?
Gregory T. Lucier, chief executive of Life Technologies, said he was confident the technology for which he paid so dearly would not be overtaken.
与Gregory T .卢西尔生命科技行政长官表示,他相信这项技术为他付出了这么高昂的代价不会被超越。
So, Gregory Williams, I wonder if - and I'm asking you to speculate -whether you think that there would be this powerful sense of mystery today.
WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl says potassium iodide should be taken only when there is a clear public health recommendation to do so.
So a team led by ecologist Gregory Asner of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, California, developed a hybrid technology.
So paleobiologist Gregory Erickson takes a different tack, by looking at what modern animals, usually distant Cousins of dinosaurs, are up to today.
So paleobiologist Gregory Erickson takes a different tack, by looking at what modern animals, usually distant Cousins of dinosaurs, are up to today.