Using grey prediction and coordinate tracking, this paper sets up a dynamic grey prediction model for a ship.
By combining the grey prediction model with A. A. Mapkob, an improved model prediction method of the grey-A. A.
On the basis of the grey model GM (1, 1), a new grey prediction model with time - dependent parameters is established.
The grey prediction model provides a new way for predicting the time dynamic numerical array of mine gas emission rate.
By using the grey system theory and method, we built a grey prediction model to predict the start and end of an active time period in future.
Combining grey system theory with the feature of series data, a grey interpolation approach based on forward and back grey prediction model is proposed.
A grey prediction model GM (1, 1) using grey system theory was created to predict the traffic conflicts. Its feasibility was tested by some related tests.
Multivariate grey prediction model shows enough precision to predict the strength development and service life of concrete subjected to sulfate environment.
Taking Qingdao as the research object, the forecast research on its industrial water demand is conducted, the method of prediction USES the grey prediction model.
Based on analysis of the characteristics of equipment operation, and according to the vibration intensity, a grey prediction model is established by use of grey system theory.
In this paper, the grey prediction model is established to forecast building settlement and inclination. The model is tested to be of high precision and its results are satisfactory.
A method to use the grey prediction model and geometric regression model to predict the daily load curve of power systems during the great holiday is proposed. A relevant software is presented.
Grey assessing and predicting safety in dynamic index system is raised. A method concerning the system is developed via the grey prediction model GM (1, 1) and based on the grey logic analysis.
GM (1, 1) model of Grey System Theory is used in prediction realm.
Such as the return of specific prediction method, smoothing index, grey model prediction, BP neural network, RBF neural network .
This paper inserts grey system, makes use of finite time series, follows GM (1, 1) building method, builds the long term prediction model of total waste -water in Heilongjiang Province.
In the water level prediction, the GM (1, 1) model is commonly adopted in the grey theory.
The relationship between the grey model(GM(1,1) model) and the discrete grey model(DGM(1,1) model) is analyzed, and their prediction precisions and stabilities are discussed.
We used Array Grey Prediction method found a new model to predict pipeline's corrosion trend and introduce three typical data processing mode.
This thesis proposes a deviation model for quality control, on the basis of deviation transmission idea and the Grey System prediction.
We deal with original data sets and set up a grey model with grey prediction method.
Taking a chemical factory for example, the authors make a tentative study on the prediction of its economic loss of pollution accidents according to the Grey-Markov chains model.
Based on the data sequence of oil unit operation cost from 1999 to 2005 in Talimu oilfield, yearly operation cost prediction is conducted successfully by using GM (1, 1) grey model.
This article establishes the prediction model of the average marks of a term's examinations by applying the theory of grey systems, and presents the flowchart of computer treatment.
The prediction is conducted with the grey catastrophe model through the abrupt date set composed of abnormality times.
There are six grey models of dynamic prediction of oil and gas fields, but an appropriate model should be selected according to a certain oil or gas field in practice.
There are six grey models of dynamic prediction of oil and gas fields, but an appropriate model should be selected according to a certain oil or gas field in practice.