It grew by 3.1 percent in 2004, missing Brown's target of 3.25 percent, but still the best annual gross domestic product growth since 2000.
Oman has experienced generally impressive economic performance, characterized by high real Gross Domestic Product growth of 5.3 percent, low inflation, and budgetary surpluses.
While the rate of growth in the use of energy declines as an economy matures, no country has yet reduced energy use while raising gross domestic product.
Japan will not actually sink into recession, despite gross-domestic-product growth all but disappearing, the report said.
So, infrastructure deficit in my view is probably costing India up to two percent growth in GDP (gross domestic product).
Our prescription was that federal debt held by the public be allowed to rise each year, but no faster than growth in current-dollar gross domestic product.
Officials won't have final Numbers on first-quarter gross-domestic-product growth and will still be studying how lending moratoriums enacted in late January have slowed growth.
For the whole of 2008, America's gross domestic product rose by 1.3%, the slowest pace of growth since 2001 when the economy expanded by 0.8%.
Basically, economic growth is a term that used to indicate the increase of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income.
For the first quarter, the growth rate of gross domestic product has been slightly revised upward from the previous reported figure of 0.2 percent.
Chengdu's gross domestic product was up 12.3% in the first quarter, compared with the year before, more than twice the growth rate for the country as a whole.
The annual growth rate for Gross Domestic Product in China has remained 7.1% to 14.2% from 1991 to 2004.
The annual growth rate for Gross Domestic Product in China has remained 7.1% to 14.2% from 1991 to 2004.