Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 68938, gross industrial output value is 200.15 billion yuan.
Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544, gross industrial output value is 171.56 billion yuan.
Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 68938, gross industrial output value is 200. 15 billion yuan.
Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544, gross industrial output value is 171. 56 billion yuan.
The model has been applied to forecasting "gross societal output value", "gross industrial output value" and "gross agricultural output value" in the overall urban planning of Liuzhou City.
It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.
Gross value of industrial output is the serious content of social total production value, it is the main gross index of MPS.
From the grey model of the gross value of industrial output of Anshan over the years, We can forecast the gross value of industrial output of 1990, the forecasting error is 10. 99%.
The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000.
Note: Gross output value of agriculture adopted new "industrial classification for national economic activities", and was calculate at producer prices.
Note: Gross output value of agriculture adopted new industrial classification for national economic activities, the current prices are calculate at producer prices.
Note: Gross output value of agriculture adopted new industrial classification for national economic activities, the current prices are calculate at producer prices.