As to the guarantee of a bank, we may ask for a guarantee from the bank of China.
There are 20% of sum that the ability of payment is proved by payment guarantee from bank.
I don't know whether you give the guarantee from the suppliers for the quality of the materials.
These projects often suffer from poor cashflow, no explicit guarantee from the state and limited transparency.
Second, fund guarantee from Elite Enterprise can ensure our institute to do the research for 10-20 years.
According to international practice, bidder need to hand in a cash deposit or letter of guarantee from the bank.
Guarantee from procedure that a judge stands on the position of neutrality making the just judgement in the lawsuit;
As this is a large project involving a larger amount of capital, we required a letter of guarantee from an acceptable bank.
The solar plant had previously secured a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, which was finalized this week.
Therefore, scientific and objective motor vehicle driver testing system is an important guarantee from the source to restrain accident from increasing.
If party a decides not to provide such guarantee, party a shall issue a written notice to party B immediately and party B shall seek a guarantee from other third party.
Moreover, the agency wanted a premium of close to 10% and a counter-guarantee from a commercial bank so that, in the case of a payout, it had a chance to claw back the funds.
Mr Hatoyama, who is trying to give Japan a more prominent role in Asia without jeopardising its security guarantee from America, described his proposal as a "medium-term objective".
W: We ask for full payment at sight, because we guarantee 90% mechanical efficiency for all our products. You don't have the same guarantee from other suppliers. The usual percentage is around 85.
We ask for full payment at sight, because we guarantee 90% mechanical efficiency for all our products. You don't have the same guarantee from other suppliers. The usual percentage is around 85.
They were unwilling, or unable, to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft.
Whatever a guarantee says, when something goes wrong, you can still claim your rights from the shop.
Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child.
Other approaches use a central certificate authority to issue certificates that guarantee secure communication from one point to another within a network.
Alternative flows cannot guarantee the availability of inputs for an activity that expects these inputs from several alternative branches.
To plug the hole, it borrowed money from the Credit Guarantee fund, a deposit-protection scheme that is funded and run by Banks.
Good hygienic slaughtering practices reduce the contamination of carcasses by faeces, but will not guarantee the absence of Campylobacter from meat and meat products.
However, from the newbies' perspective, a guarantee of time off and a reasonable work-life balance might be more important.
The fact that you have resource managers that manage your connection pools does not guarantee optimum performance from the EJB layer — there are some design considerations as well!
The advantage is that early adopters can learn from the first mover (from its mistakes or success) and guarantee that their new approach moves the market on.
The advantage is that early adopters can learn from the first mover (from its mistakes or success) and guarantee that their new approach moves the market on.