Stuart and his brother, Phillip, toured the festival in the uniforms they wear at their jobs as surf life-guards — bright yellow jerseys, red swim trunks, sandals, and red-and-yellow swim caps.
There were the outsize flags, the broad acres of red carpet, the honour guards in Napoleonic-era uniforms, the bulletproof limos, and the windy communiques long on aspiration and short of action.
Later that morning, four guards took Rilla to Gog's office. His face looked tired and his eyes were red.
Several of the more devoted Sun Guards, however, were placed in Palpatine's Red Guard, later to join his Royal Guard.
Fields sof autumn with a bumper harvest in sight, rows and rows of corn jovian like guards stood on either side, red sorghum, rice smile to bend the waist.
秋天的田野到处是一片丰收在望的景象,一排排的玉米像卫兵一样威风凛凛地站在道路两旁,高粱涨红了脸,稻子笑弯了腰。 。
Red narrating: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards.
I'll now disguise myself and go around to the houses begging. If anybody gives me meat, I'll make a red mark on the front door, and your guards can go and arrest the thieves.
For the Red Guards dispersion is an advantage, and they are now using this method in their operations in all the counties.
Fighting constantly against the peace preservation corps and levies of the landlords, most of the Red Guards in the counties are steadily increasing their fighting capacity.
He is besides though a little vain &silly a Bird of Courage and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
火鸡令人敬重,而且是地道的美国土种。他虽然虚荣蠢笨,但具有勇气。有穿红衣的英国侍卫兵胆敢入侵他的农庄,他会毫不犹豫地向他发起进攻。” 下边是富兰克林的原文。
A rock divided into two parts guards the mouth of gorge, with a red heart carved on the rock, which is another moving story.
A rock divided into two parts guards the mouth of gorge, with a red heart carved on the rock, which is another moving story.