The star actor was NASA Godard Institute for Space Studies director James Hansen who claimed with 99 percent certainty that temperatures were rising due to a human-influenced "greenhouse effect".
"Building new coal-fired power plants is ill conceived," said James E. Hansen, a leading climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
"Neil's not sure - hasn't been sure in the last couple of weeks - of what to do or say in response to Aldrin's positions," explained Mr Armstrong's friend and biographer, James Hansen.
“There’s always an interest in the annual temperature numbers and on a given year’s ranking, but usually that misses the point,” said James Hansen, the director of GISS.
You and James Hansen and all your lying colleagues.
你和詹姆士·汉森(James Hansen),还有你们的同事都在说谎。
Scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), led by James Hansen, released an analysis that addressed these questions.
美国国家航空航天局戈达德太空研究所的科学家们(由james hansen牵头)发表了一项分析报告回答了这些问题。
James Hansen of Nasa counters that seven of the last 10 European winters were warmer than average.
James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."
James Hansen,在最近的一封信函中写道:“情况尚未到无可挽回的地步,我们仍可及时力挽狂澜,但是要立即采取行动,赶紧回头。”
James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."
James Hansen,在最近的一封信函中写道:“情况尚未到无可挽回的地步,我们仍可及时力挽狂澜,但是要立即采取行动,赶紧回头。”