It was on a backstreet, not one of the main streets, so there were no people around to see him as he walked along the small road which went under the building into the basement car park.
Even if the do-everything point guard gave the entire building a gasp when he went diving into the stands at the 2:54 mark of the first quarter before slowly finding his way up in one piece.
然而,在库里慢慢找到手感之前,这位全能的得分后卫在首节2分54秒之际就为救球摔向观众席,让整个球场为之一震。 。
Even if the do-everything point guard gave the entire building a gasp when he went diving into the stands at the 2:54 mark of the first quarter before slowly finding his way up in one piece.
然而,在库里慢慢找到手感之前,这位全能的得分后卫在首节2分54秒之际就为救球摔向观众席,让整个球场为之一震。 。