There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight.
Unluckily, my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to wait for an hour at the pickup area.
This is a heavy-tourist traffic area in Xian Mt.
New transport routes will be created to free the area from heavy traffic and nearby roads will be pedestrianised by night, allowing cafes to spill out onto the street.
Reservation protocols based on bandwidth request messages are prone to collisions during heavy IP traffic load in IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area networks.
在IEEE 802.16无线城域网中,基于带宽请求消息的预约协议在高ip业务负载时易导致预约冲突。
Reservation protocols based on bandwidth request messages are prone to collisions during heavy IP traffic load in IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area networks.
在IEEE 802.16无线城域网中,基于带宽请求消息的预约协议在高ip业务负载时易导致预约冲突。