Analysis of data shows that the experimental results are with high sensitivity and linearity.
This proposed method has the advantage of high selectivity and sensitivity. It is suitable for on-line analysis.
Through analysis and experiment, results show that the accelerometer has characteristic of high sensitivity and lower cross interference, and can meet the needs of expected design.
The HP 1 capillary column and NPD detector were used to ensure the separate of low molecular weight amines and the high sensitivity of the quantitative analysis.
同时选用HP -1大口径毛细管柱及NPD检测器分析,既保证了各低分子量胺类物质的分离,又保证定量分析的高灵敏度。
With the advantages of simple sample preparation and high sensitivity, the developed method is a reliable analytical method for trace elements analysis in soil.
The sensitivity analysis indicates that the parameters impacting the production results from high to low are production time, steam dryness, cyclic steam injection volume, steam injection pressure.
This method has less interference, high sensitivity and it can meet the requirements of standard sample analysis.
It provides a convenient, quick, high sensitivity and efficiency method for the collecting and analysis of the volatile from living plants.
High performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) is characterized as an analysis method, which showed high selectivity and high sensitivity, but needed only little sample.
The differential potentiometric stripping analysis has high sensitivity and stability in determining lead in cigarette and its precision and accuracy are up to the standard of microanalysis.
The biosensor has the good selectivity, the high sensitivity, the quick speed of analysis, the low cost and the continuous monitoring on-line in the complex system.
Luminescnect analysis with the merits of high sensitivity and wide linear range has also attracted more and more attentions recently.
The resonance light scattering analysis is becoming increasingly important because high sensitivity can be obtained with a common spectrofluorimeter by using inexpensive and safe reagents.
This method has high accuracy and sensitivity of detection, which can meet the requirements of trace analysis.
The method possesses low background and high sensitivity. It can be applied to the routine analysis of the 43 pesticides in vegetables.
Based on the above analysis, a geometry of the device with high sensitivity and a design scheme of practical CMOS magnetic field Sensor are proposed.
The results of agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA sequence analysis indicated that the PCR method had high specificity and sensitivity.
Objective To develop a high sensitivity and reproducible method for rapid DNA analysis even when using picogram sample in a complex background.
With the advantages of high sensitivity and simple sample preparation without matrix interference, the method was suitable for the analysis of the estrogens in drink water.
The ABC-ELISA for quantitatively determining human EGF has high stability, specificity and sensitivity. It has the trend to replace radio-immunity analysis.
建立的ABC -ELISA定量检测人egf的方法稳定性好,特异性强和灵敏度高,具有替代放射免疫分析法的趋势。
Based on the deliverability analysis methods of conventional gas well, we can draw capacity evaluation method of abnormal high pressure stress sensitivity gas reservoir.
The highly effective liquid chromatography is one kind has the high sensitivity, high selective university fast separation analysis technology.
Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and sensitivity of detecting the mutations of KRAS in colorectal carcinoma patients with high resolution melting curve analysis.
Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasound had a high sensitivity in position and qualitative analysis, with the high clinical value.
The tests and determinations have proved its advantages with simplified operations, high speed and sensitivity, stable performance, and reliable results for the further analysis.
The method provides the advantages of low detection limit, good reproducibility, high sensitivity, high efficiency, simple operation and suitable for the routine sample analysis.
The method provides the advantages of low detection limit, good reproducibility, high sensitivity, high efficiency, simple operation and suitable for the routine sample analysis.