The invention discloses an application of fly chitose for preparing blood fat adjuster, in particular for preparing the drug or health-care product for preventing or treating high blood fat disease.
Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
He said the mice who lacked this gene did not get fat when they ate high-carb food and they had lower levels of blood cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Excess belly fat is becoming notorious as a sign of a heightened risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, gall-bladder disease and numerous cancers.
Salmon is high in unsaturated fatty acid, which can prevent heart disease from reducing blood fat and cholesterol.
High fat in the bird's diet leads to obesity and may result in lipomas (fatty tumors), lipemia (fat in the blood), and hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease).
Eating too much fat can contribute heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
Conlusions The patients with turbid-phlegm type coronary heart disease have main characteristics such as high blood fat, high blood viscosity and sympathetic nerve hyper-function.
Stick the disease that sluggish blood disease is haemal viscosity heighten high. Do law cure to go according to what treat tall blood fat.
Pure corpulence and high fat blood disease are clinical frequently-occurring disease in recent years.
Excessive dietary fat intake is associated with increased risk of obesity, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease and some types of cancer.
The connection with dementia is also not well-understood; it could be that belly fat is linked to high blood pressure and poor vascular function, which then leads to Alzheimer's disease;
The connection with dementia is also not well-understood; it could be that belly fat is linked to high blood pressure and poor vascular function, which then leads to Alzheimer's disease;