Where are the new way and new high lights of China health care industry?
All of this high lights the importance of tools for customer relationship management.
Small volume, small step, low spur levels and intellectual measurement are high lights of this module.
The Economical Mathematics curriculum reforms mainly high lights the thought of "mathematics for the subject, the economy for application".
Add another layer of fabrics, adjust the opacity of both layers, add more coverage to high lights and surfaces looked at from a sharp Angle, and define the outline with brighter lines.
A high-tech zebra crossing with flashing lights and audio warning was put into use for the first time in Bishan district, Chongqing a few months ago.
Lights perched that high can easily blow over, so when the wind picked up, Barisonzi weighted her stands with sand bags and had an assistant spot the higher stand on the left.
The stop lights didn't work, and people started driving to high lands fearing a tsunami.
Some cities deep in the Chinese mainland resemble San Francisco, with sparkling night lights on high-rise buildings.
From high northern latitudes these mesmerizing northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are becoming a more familiar sight.
The youngsters listened in awe as older colleagues described life in sweatshops, enduring fumes, high temperatures and blinding lights for weeks without rest, all to save a little cash to send home.
High moulded ceilings were stripped of Sixties acoustic tiles, but not of the same era's fluorescent tube lights. Simultaneously, the place felt grand and drab.
In the harbour the coal hulks show two lights-one high on a mast, and one from the stern.
It is getting very dark. In the harbour the coal hulks show two lights-one high on a mast, and one from the stern.
Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights).
Known as aurora australis or southern lights, the shifting, luminous bands are commonly seen at high northern latitudes as well, there known as the aurora borealis or northern lights.
That's why sports photographers use high-powered strobe lights.
The high street is a blaze of lights in the evening.
The new optical design introduced with hotspot high strength and wide spread hot lights.
You have a high-dynamic-range mode, where you combine three tripod shots at different exposures into a single photo with a really great range of darks and lights.
Spiral electrical conduit to convert the field using mobile light beam lights and high beam, to meeting the standards of precision automotive and can be reused.
The top of the hall hanging high in the corners placed the lights, so the appearance of the room could be at a glance.
It will also carry lights and a high-definition video camera, and filters to draw solids from the water.
It will also carry lights and a high-definition video camera, and filters to draw solids from the water.