While printing enormously increased access to books by making cheap, high-volume production possible, it also reduced choice.
However, due to the size and scale of high volume production environments, this is rarely practical.
That means it will not only display the high levels of craftsmanship that Chinese customers demand, it will also benefit from the richer profit margins that come from higher production volume.
Even in newer thin-film technologies, high-volume production has been difficult.
While not all measurements are appropriate for a production, high-volume application, they do provide useful insight into application behavior, especially in a test environment.
Afraid that he will be punished for making a mistake, an employee working on the assembly line in a high-volume manufacturing facility ignores a “minor” production flaw in one of your key products.
Powder Metallurgy produces fully dense pressed components and is very economic for high volume production of small simple shapes.
Reporter: How accurately can you reflect or simulate the production environment, without producing high volume?
Now you need to have the optimal production solution to serve your specific high volume markets in the most profitable way.
Assembly yields above 99.9 % are achieved in high volume production only with Mühlbauer solutions.
通过纽豹的解决方案,超过99.9 %的大批量生产良品率。
Saving Labour cost. Suitable for high volume production by using single type of machines, one worker can operate 2 ~ 3 production lines.
节省人工,适用于单一机种大批量生产,一人可操作2 -3条生产线。
Depending on production volume, the initial cost will be about the same as a high-end motorcycle or car.
Sheet metal flexible manufacturing system (FMS) with high automatic and flexibility is fit for low volume and rich varieties production particularly.
High concentrated SC offer a number of benefits. These include: an absence of dust and solvent, high suspension rate on dilution, lower packing volume and production cost.
The sensitivity analysis indicates that the parameters impacting the production results from high to low are production time, steam dryness, cyclic steam injection volume, steam injection pressure.
The result show that, the as-cast casting can completely meet the specification of Cummins standard about ferrite ductile iron after omitting annealing by high volume production provement.
The total number of components and connections must be minimized to meet stringent size and weight constraints and ensure that high-volume production is practical.
Especially in the surface complex, precision parts that require high volume production, the use of diamond grinding wheel for dressing on the more significant effect.
The production volume of high-frequency quartz crystal display was yet to reach a level that reaps most benefit from economies of scale.
It is shown by high volume production that the phosphatizing solution and the phosphatizing film have excellent performances and can be substituted for the import products completely.
The hand-reset power protective relay is characterized by small volume, low cost, simple structure, high production efficiency, convenient debugging and testing as well as high safety and reliability.
本发 明具有体积小、成本低、结构简单、生产效率高、调试检测方便、安 全性和可靠性高的特点。
The technology and its application and the equipment selection for cutting fluid processing center in the enterprise with high volume machining production are introduced in detail in this paper.
The trend towards product customization has forced many apparel manufacturers to shift from mass production to more flexible, high-volume production.
The source is fully compatible with existing vertical In-Line systems for high volume production.
Unlike a spectrum analyzer, an RF power analyzer is optimized for high-volume production testing and features a wide dynamic power measurement range.
Suitable for various kinds, high quality and high volume Windows production.
In order to improve the operating performance of filter tank and propose the high production water volume, the traditional filter media was replaced by homogeneous particle quartz sand.
L-shaped power units are ideal for demanding high-production industrial applications requiring high fluid volume and flow rate.
Kits can be supplied with or without cardbus features, and high-volume production tooling is available on request.
Kits can be supplied with or without cardbus features, and high-volume production tooling is available on request.