But three large investment Banks the Banker mentioned last year for their high proportion of market-risk-weighted assets - UBS, Deutsche bank and Credit Suisse - are also on this list.
Offsetting the high risk the investor takes is the promise of high return on the investment.
Petroleum industry is of high investment and high risk.
The biggest characteristic of venture capital investment lies in its high profit and high risk.
The deep space exploration is high investment, risky scientific and technological activities, simulation is one of the effective means to reduce the risk and production cost.
To effectively avoid the risk and to gain high investment return, the measures for controlling the risks are proposed.
It is especially important for the high-technology enterprises that need large investment and burden high risk.
Sports professional and academic books on the intrinsic quality requires of high capital investment, but market demand small, publishing risk, for a lower market share.
Commonly, the risk investment company will pay much attention to the high-tech field, especially the industrial product of high-tech.
Paper abstract: risk investment has high risk, high yield, high investment, low liquidity, high technical basic characteristics.
But there are still some lacks such as long development cycle, high-demand of technique, large capital investment, high risk, fixed model and poor scalability.
The real estate industry is an important prop industry in China, with industry features of high investment, high income and high risk.
Both as a speculative and investment, high risk and high yield securities trading, major world security markets are as the establishment of formal institutional arrangement.
However, it is inevitable that the implementation of ERP projects is complex and high-risk because the investment of project is large and life cycle of the implementation is long.
At the stage of exploration and development, the working procedures of drilling operation are various, operation is complicated, and the characters are high investment, large-scale, and high risk.
Realty investment is a fund intensive industry. It has the character of large funds, long period, high risk.
There is a lot of uncertainty in drilling engineering, high investment, high risk characteristics.
Airlines is high tech, the high investment, the high risk transportation enterprise.
However, the core features of ERP project such as vast investment, hard to implement, long-cycle, high-risk, benefit-delaying and so on cause it's implementation success ratio generally low.
The characteristics of venture investment is high risk and high incomes. To acquire the high repay rate, the choice of venture investment item is very important.
The high-tech risk investment project is characterized by high-risk, high-return and high growth potentiality.
Virtual R&D teams have been the main organizations of High-tech Enterprises because they optimize R&D resource portfolio, cut down R&D investment cost and risk.
Oil industry is a high investment, high risk, high-tech industry.
Lunar exploration is a high risk, high investment, complication system engineering. It is important to validate the system feasibility again and again method before carrying on using simulation.
It is a fund crowded industry which has the characteristic of high investment, high risk and high repayment.
Drilling is an underground construction which has high investment and high risk. Every component of drilling work may lead to different kinds and different levels accidents.
Real estate is an industry with high investment, higher profit and high risk, and influenced by economic, society, technology, etc, facing more uncertainty.
The characteristics of new drugs are of high cost and high accession, due to high-investment, advanced-technology, high-risk, long-cycle and complicated process of research and development.
The characteristics of new drugs are of high cost and high accession, due to high-investment, advanced-technology, high-risk, long-cycle and complicated process of research and development.