She dashes out but forgets her hijab.
So all these people with hijab never get married?
Was that what the presence of the hijab signified?
But this problem is not going to be solved by policing the hijab.
Is the hijab or the headscarf a symbol of submission or resistance?
One athlete from Egypt wore leggings, long sleeves and a head-covering hijab.
"First it was the dog," laughed Tina, "then my bad hijab - my scarf was purple."
It has everything to do with that, don't you see, hijab is a threat to consumerism.
World Hijab Day is celebrated in New York with dozens of supporters on the steps of City Hall.
Off your hijab, the Let me see your eyes, your eyes out, bright ah As if it were Akinami an appearance.
In Egypt magazines such as Hijab Fashion have proliferated, along with shops selling bejewelled and beribboned scarves.
In Egypt magazines such as Hijab Fashion have proliferated, along with shops selling bejewelled and be ribboned scarves.
Alinejad said she was not opposed to the hijab - her mother is veiled - but she believed people should have the freedom to choose.
Another girl in a black hijab with perfectly groomed eyebrows tells me she has refused to marry; she wants to save up and start her own business.
In March of this year, the issue gained national attention again when a teacher beat a girl and cut off a lock of her hair because she did not wear a hijab to class.
今年三月,埃及一名女孩儿未戴头巾上课而被老师殴打,这名老师还剪掉了女孩一缕头发。 此事使得这一问题再次引发国民关注。
In March of this year, the issue gained national attention again when a teacher beat a girl and cut off a lock of her hair because she did not wear a hijab to class.
今年三月,埃及一名女孩儿未戴头巾上课而被老师殴打,这名老师还剪掉了女孩一缕头发。 此事使得这一问题再次引发国民关注。