But he could not sit up; his head fell back, and the whole of his body glided off the seat.
His paper of half-finished verses slipped from his knee, his head fell back, his mouth opened, and he wandered by the verdant Banks of dream-rivers.
When he played lacrosse with a local team in Grade Six, he fell backwards and hurt the back of his head against the ground.
He took her on his back. Cosette, without letting go of Catherine, laid her head on jean Valjean's shoulder, and there fell asleep.
After taking a timid peep at him lying on his back, with his rusty hands under his head for a pillow, his son lay down too, and fell asleep again.
After taking a timid peep at him lying on his back, with his rusty hands under his head for a pillow, his son lay down too, and fell asleep again.