Chao is the first Chinese person to hold a position in the US cabinet.
Therefore, even if it is night, even the rain, has quietly hold a position in history.
Yes, it might be easier for him to hold his balance for awhile in a static position, but sooner or later he will still fall.
It was one thing to try to hold the euro together from a position of relative strength in the core.
Sitting requires the muscles to hold the trunk, neck and shoulders in a fixed position.
In order for this deal to hold he must be in a position to offer the Palestinian people something concrete.
When you see that the person is completely in the state, touch him/her and hold the position for a few seconds.
I can't believe people actually ask other people whether they should hold or sell a stock position they are in.
History shows that when China gets into a leadership position in manufacturing an electric device, it tends to hold on to it.
"Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings," said Mr Ward.
A small circle of stones were found stacked, apparently to hold branches in position.
Ergonomically speaking, users hold touchscreen mobile devices in a way that the thumb position is typically pointed towards the middle of the screen.
Hold your breath for just a few seconds in this standing position.
Don't hold this position for long, because with the body drawn into a compact shape you will tend to collapse in your neck, shoulders, and midback.
Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings.
With the help of a professional and perfect text support, we ensure the stability and excellent product quality, and hold the leading position in the same industry.
In general, a tenure-track faculty member will hold a position for about five years before a formal decision is made on whether tenure will be granted.
The disc and associated moving parts may be in a constant state of movement if the velocity pressure is not sufficient to hold the valve in a wide open and stable position.
Two or four oil wedges uniformly spaced on the circumference hold the rotor in a stable position.
"I wonder if I can write books or hold a position of influence in civil rights," he adds.
GetNextChar USES a buffer to hold one line of input. Two variables store the current line number and the next position in the line.
A country that cannot hold itself together is scarcely in a position to lecture others on how to manage their affairs.
Esthetic education should hold a prominent position in the school education and play a due role.
An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.
Remember not to push it - better to hold a position at the point it can go without inappropriate muscles jumping in to help than to try too hard to do things your face isn't ready for.
For a long time, the Physical Exercises hold the important position in the physics teaching of high school.
You can hold a key in bottom position and change the volume simply by exerting different levels of pressure.
You can hold a key in bottom position and change the volume simply by exerting different levels of pressure.