If Shiva is to hold my hand with his eyesight, we will hold one another and fly toward the mountain.
And if you genuinely love one another - truly hold one another in your hearts - wouldn't simply saying it be far more eloquent than any other gift that you could give?
而且,如果你们真诚地互相热爱——真诚地将对方放在自己的心中- - -难道简单地道一声“圣诞快乐”,不比送其他任何礼品都更有深远意义吗?
Have another one. You can hold your liquor.
They hold only one piece of data: a string, a number, the undefined value, a reference to another variable.
You'll need one table to hold the customer-sensitive information and another to hold the information to be logged each time the sensitive information is accessed.
Another survey in Panorama, a magazine, suggested that the centre-left would hold on to all but one region.
For example, one address might hold a human-consumable format and another a machine-consumable format.
Before you can implement it, you need to add another panel to the application: one to hold the search results.
Make a toast to one another every time you hold a wineglass.
Just use spray adhesive on the plywood and, with the help of another person, lay it flat on one end and use a paint roller to work out air bubbles toward the other person as they hold their end up.
Hold Hands: hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand!
Hold Hands: Hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another.
A loved one should hold your hand and comfort you as you transition from one plane of reality to another.
Right now, America and Russia hold thousands of nuclear war heads that can be launched from one continent to another.
This week Nippon steel and POSCO, South Korea's largest steelmaker, which already hold shares in one another, said they were considering deepening their defensive partnership.
本周,已互持股份的日本制铁公司(NipponSteel Corp .)和韩国的POSCO公司(原浦项制铁),决定加深之间的防御伙伴关系。
As one man finds himself adrift alone in the sea, another type of panic takes hold of him.
We hold a new vision now for humans and nature learning to live side by side in support of one another.
One thought leads to another and soon everyone is contributing and a sense of ownership takes hold.
Reporter: Hold it. Just like that! Now another one, Ali. Hold that spoon up. Good. Thank you. I hadn't expected such a big turnout. Thanks for the story.
I realized I needed another hand! I held my bouquet in one hand, Cognac on his leASh in the other, but I needed to hold the bASket AS well.
You hold the lower nut with one spanner while you undo the top nut with another one-do you see what I mean?
When we are in the midst of opposition and dangers, we must encourage one another to hold firmly to the promises God gives us.
The scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another.
Keep bulky sweaters and jackets on one shelf, socks, hosiery, or ties on another, and use the remaining shelves to hold pants, shirts, and accessories, such as hats or scarves.
A person who is hungry is always restless, running after one thing and then another. In his hunger he catches hold of everything he can, only to be later consumed by it.
Many people hold their breath on one way or another.
With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple.
You hold the lower nut with one spanner while you undo the top nut with another one - do you see what I mean?
You hold the lower nut with one spanner while you undo the top nut with another one - do you see what I mean?