Slots in this foot will hold one to three lengths of cord in place while stitches form over the cords.
With really large windows it took more than one piece of glass, so you still needed lead strips to hold the pieces together.
The film is a house of cards. If one scene fails to hold, the entire credibility of the film comes crashing down.
Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections.
For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up.
One thing that can hold joy back is a person's concentration on avoiding failure rather than their looking forward to doing something well.
Hold on to your dreams and one day they may come true
In the images, you see all kinds of possible defense constructions to hold back the Romans, Germans, Vikings, and now nature as enemy number one.
We are constantly surrounded by noise, most of which is not audible to us unless we hold something like a seashell close to one of our ears.
It was hard for me to hold a full tray with just one hand.
Mastering one thing to the exclusion of others can hold back your true spirit.
Since threads and processes are relatively scarce resources, applications that hold on to either one when they're just waiting for input don't scale very well.
“Hold her firm!” One of the assistants came to our side. She grabbed my arm.
No. I want to apply to hold one.
But most of us hold on to at least one keepsake to remind us of our once-grand passions.
Another survey in Panorama, a magazine, suggested that the centre-left would hold on to all but one region.
On the other hand, employees are required to hold exactly one major position.
Before you can implement it, you need to add another panel to the application: one to hold the search results.
She put her program on hold to be with me, which was one of many sacrifices she has had to make as my caregiver.
We need to build up two arrays - one to hold suits and one to hold faces.
We're going to use one TAB to hold the main parameters we want to expose, and the other to hold the raw command output from FFMPEG.
For example, you can create two simple databases — one to hold projects and one to hold developers (see Listing 1).
It may help to tilt one edge of the box up to ensure a firm hold.
In boxing, to clinch means to hold the opponent's body with one or both arms in order to prevent or hinder punches.
“It comes down to the simple reason that your mom was the first one to hold you.” And the effects of that bond last for a lifetime.
It is impossible to do a counterfactual analysis-to hold one factor constant and see the effects on the rest of the economy.
You may need to create one or more partitions to hold logical volumes, then create the logical volumes in which you'll ultimately create file systems.
Hold Hands: hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand!
Look to others who hold positions similar to the one you're after and examine how they think, what they do, and what their qualifications are.
Look to others who hold positions similar to the one you're after and examine how they think, what they do, and what their qualifications are.