The very lack of a recovery period is dramatically holding back our collective ability to be resilient and successful.
The risk premium that investors usually demand for holding bonds over a longer period has shrivelled.
"They are looking for a three - to five-year holding period, at most," says Mr Wilkins. That makes capital-expenditure programmes look unattractive.
That's one reason Buffett's favorite holding period for investments in "outstanding businesses with outstanding managements" is "forever."
Even though most are judged by performance over three-year horizons, their average holding period was about 17 months, and 19% of the managers held the typical stock for one year or less.
I've written thousands of articles during the period I've been making a full time living online, and I've discovered that the only thing holding me back from writing faster is myself.
If you were holding 20% cash and wanted to match the 7.4% of the Dow Jones industrials for the fourth quarter, your stock picks needed to return about 9.3% for the period.
When identifying risk and risk amounts, it is important to consider the scope of risks to be covered, holding period, confidence interval, correlation between risks, and stress testing.
Figures from societe generale show that the average holding period of a stock on the New York stock Exchange fell from ten years in the 1940s to nine months by last year.
During the same period last year, the two companies were roughly neck-in-neck, with Android and Apple holding 17.2 percent and 14.1 percent of the market, respectively.
During the lean to the left, this is a stasis position, holding there for a period of time.
The holding period was increased by 50 days after stamp duty increasing.
Cardiovascular system (heart and arteries) - as anas are isometric, which means they rely on holding muscle tension for a short period of time.
Our favorite holding period is forever.
Cardiovascular system (heart and arteries) - asanas are isometric, which means they rely on holding muscle tension for a short period of time.
Stretching/elongating a muscle and holding a steady point without bouncing for a period of 20 seconds.
This ends a retrograde period that began in April, which has been the only thing holding you back.
The holding period of art works is also a key factor for generating return. Mr Stone says relatively long holding periods are necessary to generate returns.
Restricted stock cannot be sold publicly until the end of a holding period.
Tunnel surrounding rock deformation monitor is an important method for holding information of surrounding rock and controlling tunnel stability in the period of construction.
The analyst is completely free in specifying both the range of possible gross receipts for each of the years in the holding period and the associated conditional probabilities.
Know your holding period for every trade. And watch the clock to become a market survivor.
During this holding period enzymes in the green leaf catalyze the oxidation of constituents which results in changes in color, taste, and aroma.
Distance running involves holding a steady pace for a long period of time.
Article 11 the conferment of a police rank shall go by the conferee's present post, political integrity, ability, period of holding the present post as well as seniority.
Measuring the price-earnings ratio of share is important for determining the expected holding-period return which can be used as a basis for valuing any portfolio.
After this grace period and then another five-day holding period, the name is dropped from the registry and anyone can claim it.
After this grace period and then another five-day holding period, the name is dropped from the registry and anyone can claim it.