That man is a homicidal maniac.
He had clear homicidal tendencies.
I was seized by something akin to a homicidal urge.
The western world was indeed black with homicidal monomania.
Yossarian feels a homicidal impulse to machine gun total strangers. Isn't that crazy?
Let me tell you, a homicidal lunatic may be the most difficult thing on this earth to spot.
The use of Tubarine as a homicidal poison was suspected in a series of eastern United States hospital deaths.
His recording of "Ben," the title song from a movie about a boy and his homicidal pet rat, was a No. 1 hit in 1972.
Ponda teamed up with trouble-magnet Dr. Evazan after saving the life of the homicidal maniac in the Corellian system.
THERE is a scene in “Transformers”, a blockbuster that came out last week, in which a mobile phone turns into a homicidal robot.
上周上演的巨片(参1 )“变形金刚”中有一个场景,其中一个手机变成了一个杀人机器人。
If I were going to beget a child knowing that the child was going to be a homicidal maniac, I should be responsible for his crimes.
You have the general layman's idea of a homicidal maniac - a man who runs amok with a knife, a man more or less foaming at the mouth.
Mother Nature has blessed us in many ways, but can also be homicidal, with hurricanes, tornadoes, waterspouts, and more frequent lightning strikes than anywhere else in the nation.
Compared with women, men harbor more frequent and enduring homicidal fantasies, more often think about enacting revenge against their enemies, and report more physically aggressive dreams.
The results are more like the apologetic robot rebel Sonny from the film I, robot, starring Will Smith, than the homicidal machines of Terminator, but they demonstrate an important principal.
Against Type: Pleasence's casting in the Halloween series as the creepy but heroic Doctor Loomis stemmed a long sequence of films in which he played a series of mad professors and homicidal loons.
Against Type: Pleasence's casting in the Halloween series as the creepy but heroic Doctor Loomis stemmed a long sequence of films in which he played a series of mad professors and homicidal loons.