Considering factors such as ventilation and economy in Hot-summer and Cold-winter Region, the stairs of residences are usually designed to be open-styled.
The work of buildings energy efficiency has come into the second stage, and hot summer and cold winter region becomes the keystone.
Based on the building humid climate feature for the hot summer and cold winter region, monthly mean relative humidity is used as the basic quota.
The complex climate complicate the research in the hot summer and cold winter region, while it urges analyzing of building energy consumption and, what's more, makes it more important.
Based on an engineering example of office building in hot summer and cold winter region, using the method of calculating, energy-saving design of roof insulation calculation is made in this paper.
Based on an engineering example of office building in hot summer and cold winter region, using the method of calculating, energy-saving design of roof insulation calculation is made in this paper.