Enable hot deploy where it will shorten the development feedback loop or support frameworks that enable hot deploy.
You are now asked to either restart Tomcat or click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application.
现在,系统会提示您或者重启Tomcat,或者单击链接Hot deploymyportlets-fileuploadportletapplication。
We suggest you click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application. The portlet is then loaded as shown in Figure 1.
我们建议您单击链接hot deploymyportlets - fileuploadportletapplication。
Not that much though, but the one that is the biggest disadvantage for me personally is the fact that you can’t hot deploy new integration flows.
So Axis2 addresses that and provides web service hot deployment ability, where you do not need to shut down the system to deploy a new Web service.
因此 Axis2对此问题进行了处理,提供了Web服务热部署功能,可以在不必关闭系统的情况下部署新 Web 服务。
ServiceMix provides an easy XML configuration language for each JBI component and provides hot deployment functionality to deploy your integration solution.
To deploy the portlet, you have the option of either restarting Pluto or hot deploying the portlet application containing the portlet, as shown in Figure 7.
The script takes advantage of the hot deploy capability of WebSphere application Server Community Edition and simply copies the application binaries to a monitored directory.
该脚本利用WebSphereApplicationServerCommunityEdition的hot deploy功能,并简单地将应用二进制文件复制到被监控目录。
Fortunately, Aaron Mulder recently released a hot deploy capability that supports watching a specific directory for changes to files — if a file has been added, it will be deployed.
Deploy efficient SQL by examining new SQL metrics, such as, number of executions, aggregated elapsed time, and minimum and maximum execution times, to help identify hot spots in the application.
Save the JSP to hot-deploy and retest it to make sure that the location and map type are changed (see Figure 34).
Then it comes to its influence on China, we can not evade topics like whether China is facing more hot money inflow and what kinds of counter plan China will deploy.
Applications placed in the deploy directory are hot-loaded, enabling Geronimo to reload the application at run time when changes are made.
Applications placed in the deploy directory are hot-loaded, enabling Geronimo to reload the application at run time when you make changes.
Its features, as low power consumption, easy to deploy, make it hot in the applied research of wireless monitoring, industrial automation and intelligent home areas.
And if they see issues, like I said, they call the hot line, they call our legal team and we can deploy right away.
To develop and deploy a courseware integrated application platform is now hot issues for research and development worldwide.
To develop and deploy a courseware integrated application platform is now hot issues for research and development worldwide.