Hot wash (at 60 degrees c) sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases once a week.
You can place a hot wash cloth over your face for 5 minutes and then follow up with a gentle face scrub.
Fresh rain for a good hot wash earth took a shower, get rid of the hot climate, the balance of nature is back!
Just a friendly reminder to everyone who USES reusable shopping bags (thank you!) to please hot wash them on a regular basis.
Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot water.
Wash utensils, equipment, and work areas with hot, soapy water before and after contact with eggs.
Wash your hands -- as well as utensils, cutting boards, and countertops -- in hot soapy water before and after preparing each food item.
The waves of panic that wash hot and cold through the body.
If you're hot and thirsty after a 20-minute run in summer heat, it's easy to guzzle that bottle in 20 seconds, in which case the caloric expenditure and the caloric intake are probably a wash.
If you're somewhere crowded and sweaty and hot, wash your hands often.
Japanese usually wash outside the tub and then soak in hot water, which is then reused by the next family member. That means the water must be reheated each time if the next person in line dawdles.
Stay extra safe: If the burger's not hot enough and you have to cook it longer, be sure to wash the thermometer before you test the meat again to avoid cross contamination.
Soak a wash cloth in very hot water.This should be not so hot that it burns your skin, but should, nevertheless, be almost uncomfortably hot.
Soak a wash cloth in very hot water. This should be not so hot that it burns your skin, but should, nevertheless, be almost uncomfortably hot.
'Women often wash their hair with water which is too hot, thinking it will make hair cleaner,' said Mr Barton.
On returning home, remove, wash and dry the clothing. Many blacklegged ticks and lone star ticks can survive a warm or hot water wash, but they cannot withstand one hour in a hot dryer.
很多黑脚硬蜱和孤星蜱(lone startticks)能忍受温水或热水冲洗,但电吹风作热风用下,仅一小时,就一命呼呼。
Cotton clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water.
Maybe hot tears caused blurs on your list and this is good because tears wash away pain.
SA:Let me see. Did you wash it in hot water?
Cleaning: wash feeding and preparation equipment (e. g. cups, bottles, teats and spoons) thoroughly in hot soapy water.
Let me see. Did you wash it in hot water?
Wash the tablecloth in fairly hot soapy water.
Before use, wash in hot soapy water, rinse and try thoroughly to remove any residue which may remain form the crafting process.
Cold winter rain wash away for a couple of days of unusually hot, the weather suddenly became cold.
The servants brought in wash - hand basins, hot water for shaving, and their clothes well brushed.
The servants brought in wash - hand basins, hot water for shaving, and their clothes well brushed.