How do you feel that I measure up to your requirements for this position?
If not, how do you feel when others do that while having dinner with you?
You watched the show. How do you feel about that?
That means to tell the other person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it better.
If an individual makes you feel bad about yourself, what you do, or how you are, then that person is toxic.
We get mad because we feel that our time is wasted but if you find something important to do then you won't even notice how the time flies.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside.
How many of you also feel like sometimes in order to do that it seems like it took away from your sense of appreciation of others or your spirituality?
Now if you were on that same date and felt confident, believed in yourself, and were having fun. How do you think your date would feel about you?
To the business executives and sponsors who complain that a PMO represents an extravagance or unnecessary overhead, we should ask, "How lucky do you feel today?"
But Dad, do you know that because of your authoritative style, I do not dare tell you how I feel?
How much free stuff do you have sitting around unused, and how do you feel about that compared to stuff you've purchased that you haven't used?
How many times have you tried to come up with other reasons to do something besides the fact that it makes you feel good?
No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene.
So, think about some of the interactions that you have in your day to day life How do you want to feel when you go to the bank?
Now piece number one: How do you feel about that?
At the meeting explain very calmly and rationally that you do not feel the relationship is working well and that you would like to explore why and how to improve it.
Student: I kind of, I feel like it also plays in a different way. And because of, you do talk about how you're systematically mislabeled by the fables that present love as magic.
Some of you may feel that you've read through this entire article and it didn't tell you how to do anything.
How often can you say that you feel just as good with a win as you do with a loss?
How many of you also feel like sometimes in order to do that it seems like it took away from your sense of appreciation of others or your 5 spirituality?
“What do you see?” “What does that feel like?” “How does that smell?”
“那个感觉起来像什么?” “那个闻起来如何?”
A good tip for men: pluck up some courage and, whatever your quarry is discussing, simply ask her, "How do you feel about that?"
How do you think your children feel about that?
Reporter: How did you feel about that debate ?How did you feel you did? Were there any special preparations you did because it was John Anderson? Do you remember?
How often do you feel that no one really knows you well?
Do you know how old that made me feel?
Do you know how old that made me feel?