The human health risk of heavy metal in fly ash and dregs by drinking water was studied through solid waste leaching experiments.
Yet, organic crops fertilised with animal manure have no such requirements—even though they pose a far higher risk to human health.
In the last decade, even though climate change has been increasingly acknowledged as an important risk to human well-being, its effects on health have received little research attention.
In this context, WHO is concerned about the potential inclusion of vaccines in the scope of the treaty given the lack of evidence that thiomersal presents a risk to human health.
Lack of sanitation is a serious health risk and an affront to human dignity.
More studies are needed to better understand the public health implications of Ebola Reston in humans and efforts should be made to reduce the risk of human infection.
Though it brings no known risk to human health, this is bad news.
Aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers pose the greatest risk to human health because they are small enough to be breathed deep into the lungs and, in some cases, enter the blood stream.
The H5N1 virus now confirmed in Nigeria poses a risk to human health and livelihood.
Inadequate disposal of human excreta is a major health risk in emergency situations.
The MoD launched Project Cleansweep in 2007 to provide "reassurance" that residual contamination at UK sites did not pose a risk to human health or the environment.
As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.
We still need more studies to tell what would be the risk to human health of this exposure through the water.
Physical risk: refers to the food found in any alien to human health may cause harm to the material.
Biological risk: refers to the food should not occur in any unexpected organism or add artificial biological organisms, can not harm human health.
Not only the active substances but also the inert ingredients should not present a risk to human health or the environment.
IN 2006, the EU has also made DINP and DIDP confirmed human health and the environment there was no risk statement.
The goal of the site remediation technology plan is to ensure human health and to reduce the environmental risk of the pollutants in the site soil to an acceptable level.
This paper discusses the basic information which the risk assessment of chemicals requires, and describes the behaviours of chemicals in the environment and their effects to human health.
Methods The methods of health risk assessment were applied. Hazard assessment was carried out with experimental animal data and human epidemiological data from WHO.
The presence of radionuclides in soils often jeopardizes ecosystem stability and renders a serious risk to human health.
In China cats are sometimes considered to be a risk to human health but in fact this is incredibly rare and culls may actually trigger disease in some cases.
Waste plastic recycling product is a commodity, also a potential important source of risk and very closely with human health and the environment.
Apart from its severe impact on bird populations, this H5N1 variant has properties that make it a potential risk to human health of considerable significance.
Among many risks that human face, the health risk is the special risk, which is directly related to basic human survival interest.
The goal of the institute is to deliver a better understanding of the risk to human health and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances in air, water and soil.
The main aim of this study is using effective agricultural measures to reduce the heavy metals risk of affecting the human health by the soil-vegetable system.
The main aim of this study is using effective agricultural measures to reduce the heavy metals risk of affecting the human health by the soil-vegetable system.