Her articles come under the heading of human interest.
Another theory traces the theater's origin from the human interest in storytelling.
Another theory traces the theater "s origin from the human interest in storytelling."
If you can answer this question with relevance, timeliness and human interest, you have a winner.
A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest.
Photographer Eric Fischer uses Flickr's geotags to create city maps that show the places of intense human interest.
"Any human interest can become a magazine, \" said Halsey Minor, whose Minor Ventures is the parent of 8020 Publishing.
“任何人的兴趣都可以变成杂志,”MinorVentures(8020母公司) 的负责人哈尔西·米纳(Halsey Minor)的话言犹在耳,似乎这标示着人人都可以出版杂志的新媒体时代到来了。
From his point of view, urban museum should never be a cold exhibition but a city landmark filled with vitality and human interest.
News with human interest is popular with readers because it is in accordance with the human being's overall feelings and affections.
Human interest of news works asks to write news at peoples Angle, lay stress on peoples peoples, people s effect and peoples feeling.
Marketplace culture of the old town Marketplace culture is always my favorite cultural atmosphere, full of human interest and vitality.
It's enough to make you give up their differences and initiation for human interest, create new songs for the world to bring more poetic.
Thing clap nearby, have most human interest in fact, we would be happy, jointly with the feeling, would be sad and will feel uneasy, will participate among them.
There are something worthy of affirming and learning in American human interest story, and in some civil news reports in our civil newspapers since the new period.
This magazine is filled with human interest stories and the weekly sludge of what celebrities are wearing, what their hair looks like and what kind of deodorant they use.
In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest.
If you go back and dig up the micro-fiche from newspapers and magazines about what we would call "human interest" stories from the past, you'd see these kinds of stories are nothing new.
Then it discusses general criteria for choosing a subject, such as originality, human interest, sentiment, informative content, universality of problems and visual potential of the topic.
If you have the least bit of interest in how human beings learn and act as groups, reading all of The Smart Swarm is well worth your time.
Being afraid of doing something wrong is human nature, but it's not in your best interest.
Yet the essence of poetry lies somewhere else. That is, it has its ultimate aesthetic interest in human conceptions and emotions.
Yet the essence of poetry lies somewhere else. That is, it has its ultimate aesthetic interest in human conceptions and emotions.