The hydrogen gas could then be fed into a storage system and used to generate electricity when additional or backup power is needed.
In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electricity.
The hydrogen ions combine to form hydrogen gas.
There were also explosions caused by a build-up of hydrogen gas.
A star is made when a huge cloud of mostly hydrogen gas collapses.
Some require pure hydrogen gas. Others can run on natural gas or even diesel.
The Tarantula's ruddy glow comes from what astronomers call excited hydrogen gas.
Concerns about hydrogen gas valves inside Discovery already had forced a one-month delay.
Instead the nebula glows with light from hydrogen gas being charged by the stars' radiation.
That oxidation will react with the water that's left, producing highly explosive hydrogen gas.
We can also use them in this device, where they need a little extra power to make hydrogen gas.
This allows the catalyst to break down the remaining methane into solid carbon and hydrogen gas.
Then you take hydrogen you cool it would liquid nitrogen to 77, then you can use your hydrogen gas.
Those electrons move to the cathode, providing electrical power and, at the cathode, producing hydrogen gas.
Unfortunately the batteries also gave off hydrogen gas as a chemical by-product, which diffused into the body.
As a result, this Mosaic seems spattered with pinkish clouds of hydrogen gas surrounding massive, young stars.
This mostly hydrogen gas, however, absorbs some very specific colors that can be detected in the light of the nearest stars.
L Glowing nebulae are named because they give off a dim, red light, as the hydrogen gas in them is heated by radiation from nearby stars.
The acids in the food begin to attack and dissolve the metal lining of the can, and one of the by-products of this chemical reaction is hydrogen gas.
It begins with Maarten Schmidt who hypothesized that star formation rate (SFR) was related to the surface density of atomic hydrogen gas in the cloud.
Now in this particular reaction, I've got hydrogen gas, iron solid. Those already are elements in their most stable forms at room temperature and pressure.
As temperatures soared, the zirconium alloy coating the fuel apparently split or melted, reacting with the steam to produce copious amounts of hydrogen gas.
Invented by Italian engineer Andrea Rossi, the E-Cat is designed to create heat from a simple combination of hydrogen gas, powdered nickel, and an undisclosed catalyst.
由意大利工程师安德里亚∙罗西发明,E -Cat能够利用氢气、镍粉及一种未公开催化剂的简单组合生成热量。
He saw that the constituent parts were being separated, with hydrogen gas falling into the star while water vapour remained farther out and the dust was farther out still.
He saw that the constituent parts were being separated, with hydrogen gas falling into the star while water vapour remained farther out and the dust was farther out still.