I just did great on the test. I can still feel some of the effects, but they are starting to wear off.
I can stay up late, never drink water, eat whatever I want and slack off on exercise and still be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend you ever saw.
During my entire childhood, I kept this saying in front of me on a small desk in my room. In fact, I can still show you that coaster today.
I can see him with his felt hat cocked in the manner of the late fifties, a cigarette between his white teeth-which were still his own then-beads of sweat on his forehead.
Of course, I still can take taxis-which is recommended on cold, rainy days.
I'm still waiting for a little camera to appear on the front of my mobile phone so I can video chat while I'm on the go.
I want to keep as much dignity as I can for as long as I can and I want those who love me to understand that if I am not myself on the outside I am still me on the inside.
Sometimes late at night or early in the morning when I get up I can still hear the screeching tires on the nearby road. I can still hear the explosion, the horn.
I can still get excited about things, so I have to be careful about not conveying where I'm coming from too early on in the process, because I'm looking to get feedback from others.
If you still cannot find the documentation you want, you can modify the Fedora code that I give you in this article, so you can install and configure Nagios on a non-Fedora system.
That’s why we still have Shakespeare Folios and why I can buy a 150 year old book on Alibris for 99 cents.
That's why we still have Shakespeare Folios and why I can buy a 150 year old book on Alibris for 99 cents.
If not I can still rely on counting popsicles — it might not please the sight, but thank god I seldom do statistics now.
One friend says: "I still stubbornly believe that I can try on my own clothing."
The data is stored locally, so I can research bus and train routes while I am still on the airplane.
I still have those fears, undoubtedly. But now I know that I can beat them, that I can break through that wall of fear and come out on the other side.
I'll drop you off, you can cross the road and I'll pick you up on the way back if you're still there when I return.
A: on your first question, since the rescue effort is still underway, I am sure you can understand that I'd rather not go into more detail.
I can still see the look of despair on so many of the Singer workers faces.
Maybe it was naïve to think Obama might be strong enough to take on Big Carbon's stranglehold on the Hill, but I still believe if anyone can, he can.
I visited the still-scaffolded monument last week: up close you can see why it needed some work, especially on the reliefs that surround it and depict scenes of artillery warfare.
"I think that emotional marks are made early on," Ferrer said. "Even if you can rationalize them as you grow up, they still leave that dank sadness you can never truly shake."
So I will focus this edition of the guide on how folks whose PC budgets have shrunk can still get something adequate for light use.
"I am concerned because when my mom drives she talks on the phone a lot so she is still alert but she can get kind of dangerous," reported one young teen.
Doherty: I can still remember sitting on the bus and thinking, I'm probably not going to have children.
But I still hope I can open screens of any size depending on the distance I want to be from the wall in my living-room.
Still she went on growing, and, as a last resource, she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney, and said to herself ‘Now I can do no more, whatever happens.
I can still remember the day you turn it on.
Well if you are a nice person keep reading because I am going to give you a few tips on how you can be nice and still finish first.
Well if you are a nice person keep reading because I am going to give you a few tips on how you can be nice and still finish first.