But then, I've got a pain in my stomach is more and more, like a knife in my stomach, I like a cat on hot bricks, scared to cry.
Remember, Father, that I am like a cat.
A year from now (or less if you're not such a scaredy-cat like I was), you just might not be imagining that loving the morning scenario anymore.
I asked my funny cat, Cow. He blinked twice, meowed once, then flopped down and started purring like a motorcycle, which in Cow talk means, "I'm the cutest Kitty in the world."
Alas, I am loath to cheapen her existence and dignify the city's anti-cat stance by creating a dog-like defense for her.
I thought maybe it was just my cat playing with one of my feather pens until I heard a pop, like the sound a champagne bottle makes when the cork pops out.
He was like a cat, if I may put it this way, whom you live with for years but who never allows you to get under his sacred skin.
This is a soft pet. It is a cat. I like this soft cat.
Like many people, I needed a cat photo for my personal website.
Think this cloud looks just like a cat? Well guess what? It is a cat! Hard to believe I know, but trust me, it's true.
When I finished it, it looked like a cat.
Frank: I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.
The CARDS — including one featuring a cat that reads "Is there anywhere I could hack up a hairball like say on a former employer's head?"
Using WideNoise I discovered that I live in a "sleeping cat" area -- although it felt more like a "rock concert area" last Friday about 2am when the neighbour had his mates around!
通过WideNoise,我发现自己位于“睡猫(sleeping cat)”区域,但上周五两点的时候邻居家来了一群朋友,所以当时更像是在“摇滚音乐会(rock concert)”区域!
When I see the cartoon, I like to watch the cat machine very much, he has a time machine, he always helps his friend to fine something with time machine.
I definitely don't 4 freak out if a black cat crosses my path. And when it comes to things like lucky four-leaf 5 clovers and lucky pennies, I just never believed in them.
I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.
I am like a cat: cautious, wary, easily alarmed.
Ideal for comparing your favorite cat videos, but without support for something like Hulu or Netflix, I fear a feature like this would be rarely used.
Robbie: Yes. We had a cat when I was eight years old. I love cats. I also like other animals like dog.
I move like a rat, talk like a cat, sting like a bee.
I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat, when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform.
Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem's the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting "I dare not" wait upon "I would", like the poor cat i' the adage?
你是不是既要获得那你所认为的人生至宝,而又自承是个懦夫,让”我不敢” 来牵制”我想要”,像格言中那只可怜的猫。
I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.
I should like to throw a cat at you instead of a cushion!
I should like to throw a cat at you instead of a cushion!