I hope I will see you later. Maybe tomorrow?
But I don't think so and I hope you will never see this letter and I will feel shame later for that brief moment of weakness, " he wrote.
Once the board powers up and you see the welcome menu, don't select anything -- loading some of the examples there will change the I/O mappings and the steps you'll do later won't work.
启动该板后,将看到欢迎菜单,不要做出任何选择 ——加载那里的示例会改变I/O映射,导致后面的步骤无法进行。
I am using dS rather than dA because I still want to think of dA as maybe the area in one of the coordinate planes like the one we had in double integrals. You will see later where this comes in.
As you can see in the option, I didn't check the invisible option. This will be useful for the render element and I will explain it later.
This week, I am also working on a Gouache and I will let you see it later...
This week, I am also working on a Gouache and I will let you see it later...