• The data source needs to be created on your IBM WebSphere Application Server.

    需要IBM WebSphere应用程序服务器创建数据源


  • This is the technique used by the IBM WebSphere application server and BEA WebLogic (among others).

    IBM WebSphere应用服务器BEAWebLogic(以及其它服务器)使用技术


  • You will see how to configure the callback handler for the IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.0 runtime.

    看到如何IBM WebSphere Application ServerV6.0运行时配置处理程序


  • The per server annual subscription cost is similar to that for an IBM WebSphere Application Server developer license.

    服务器年度使用费用IBM WebSphere应用服务器开发者许可类似


  • Technical risk: The project requires porting an existing application to run on top of IBM WebSphere application Server.

    技术风险项目需要一个已存在应用移植IBM WebSphere Application Server运行


  • IBM WebSphere application server USES login modules extensively to perform various login tasks for the application server.

    IBM WebSphere Application Server大量使用登录模块执行应用服务器各种登录任务


  • For this direct mapping, IBM WebSphere Application Server administration is used to provide the framework to define those maps.

    为了实现这种直接映射IBM WebSphere Application Server管理用于提供定义这些映射框架


  • The Oracle JDBC driver can be configured to provide both of these Qualities of Service in IBM WebSphere Application Server environments.

    可以OracleJDBC驱动程序配置IBM WebSphere Application Server环境中提供这两服务质量


  • In this article, the IBM WebSphere application server installation will be used as the application server for the sample application.

    本文中,IBM WebSphere Application Server7.0.0.17安装用作应用程序应用服务器


  • To run a Webform Server application from a servlet, you need either IBM WebSphere application Server 5.0.x or later, or Tomcat 5.0.28 or later.

    为了servlet运行WebformServer应用程序,需要IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0 . x更新的版本,或者Tomcat5.0.28或更新的版本。


  • While the information in this article is based on IBM WebSphere Application Server V7, most of the issues discussed here apply equally V6.1.

    尽管本文中的信息基于IBM WebSphere Application ServerV7,但是讨论大多数问题同样适用于V6.1。


  • Notice that as a mapping target, we use the identity used by the IBM WebSphere Application Server, and it will be encrypted into the LTPA token.

    注意我们使用IBM WebSphere Application Server使用身份作为映射目标加密ltpa令牌中。


  • The EJBMaker is optimized for use with the IBM WebSphere application server, but with some manual tweaking can also be used with other application servers.

    EJBMakerIBM WebSphere应用服务器一起使用时性能最优,经过一些手工调整可以其它应用服务器一起使用


  • It illustrates how to configure a sample Web service deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 to use MQ queues as its input and response queues.

    其中演示了如何配置IBM WebSphere Application ServerV6.1部署示例Web服务使用mq队列作为输入响应队列。


  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 contains many significant enhancements in system management functionality over the previous release, Version 6.1.

    以前的6.1版基础IBM WebSphere Application ServerVersion 7.0系统管理功能包含了许多重要增强功能


  • From the discussion in Part 1, we concluded that most application scalability issues can be addressed by making use of an IBM WebSphere application Server cluster.

    在第1部分讨论我们得出的结论是大部分应用程序可伸缩性问题可以通过使用IBM WebSphere Application Server集群解决


  • With two new management topologies in IBM WebSphere application Server V7, you now have complete flexibility in how you manage your application serving environments.

    现在利用IBM WebSphere Application Serverv 7中的两种管理拓扑如何管理应用程序服务环境方面拥有了全面灵活性


  • IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 introduces a new messaging engine that includes many of the functional features needed to construct an Enterprise Service Bus.

    IBM WebSphere Application Serverv 6介绍新的消息传递引擎,它包括许多构建企业服务总线必须功能特性


  • IBM WebSphere application Server V7 is a major release that offers dramatic run time improvements, plus simpler and easier ways to develop and deploy applications.

    IBM WebSphere Application Serverv 7一个主要发行版本提供了引人注目运行改进以及更简单更容易应用程序开发部署方法


  • IBM WebSphere application Server V8 is a major release that offers dramatic run time improvements, plus simpler and easier ways to develop and deploy applications.

    IBM WebSphere Application Serverv 8一个重要版本,它提供了一些引人注目运行改进,还提供了一些简便应用程序开发部署方法


  • IBM WebSphere Application Server leverages WLM's queuing manager service to maintain the queues for passing requests from the control region to the servant regions.

    IBM WebSphere Application Server利用WLM队列管理器服务维护队列,将请求控制区域传递服务区域


  • WebSphere Portal Server 2.1 is a product that enables the hosting of aggregated information and collaborative applications on IBM WebSphere application Server 3.5.4.

    WebSpherePortalServer 2.1一种能够IBM WebSphere Application Server3.5.4上托管聚集信息协作应用程序产品


  • For example, if multiple machines are set up to run IBM WebSphere Application Server as a service, a domain user account can be set up to control all those services.

    例如如果台机器设置为将IBM WebSphere Application Server作为服务运行,则可以设置一个用户帐户控制所有那些服务


  • Last week marked two milestones for IBM: Thursday June 16, 2011 marked IBM's 100th anniversary, and on the next day, IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 was launched.

    IBM上周两个里程碑事件:2011年6月16日(星期四)是IBM成立100周年纪念日第二IBM WebSphere Application ServerV8发布


  • IBM WebSphere application Server has been designed to host an ever-growing range of applications, each with their own unique set of features, requirements, and services.

    IBM WebSphere Application Server宗旨是能够满足应用程序不断增加需求并且这些应用程序各自的独特特性、需求服务。


  • Such an application can still take advantage of JMS asynchronous messaging without having to be deployed in a J2EE application server, such as IBM WebSphere application server.

    这种应用程序仍然可以利用jms异步消息传递而不需要其部署J2EE应用程序服务器(例如ibm WebSphere Application Server)上。


  • CAI utilizes the Eclipse extension point framework that is integrated in IBM WebSphere Application Server to retrieve the business component handler of a business component.

    CAI使用IBM WebSphere Application Server集成Eclipse扩展框架检索业务组件业务组件处理程序


  • IBM WebSphere Portal runs as an application on IBM WebSphere application Server, and provides aggregation of content, applications, processes, personalization, and other services.

    IBM WebSpherePortal作为一个应用程序IBM WebSphere Application Server上运行,提供内容应用流程个性化其它服务集合体


  • The staff repository is an external people directory, such as LDAP (Lightweight directory Adapter Protocol), or a repository configured for IBM WebSphere Application Server security.

    人员存储外部人员目录LDAP(轻量级目录适配器协议),或者IBM WebSphere Application Server安全配置的存储库。


  • Readers familiar, for example, with IBM WebSphere Application Server might have wondered why not simply include the issuerDN in the SSLPEER filter or in the matching criteria of an exit.

    例如熟悉IBM WebSphere Application Server读者可能知道,为什么直接SSLPEER过滤出口匹配条件包括issuerDN


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