We watched the flakes of ice drift downstream.
Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.
As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages.
Once detached from the ice shelf, these bergs drift in the currents and wind systems surrounding Antarctica and can be found scattered among Antarctica's less colorful icebergs.
Throughout the summer of 2003, remaining fragments of the shelf broke away, and the melange of icebergs and smaller ice pieces from the previous summer's collapse began to drift away.
The Arctic finally announced itself late the next evening, with a sssshhhhhhhh as the ship slicked through a sea suddenly turned viscous, followed by the first drift ice, thudding against the hull.
The jagged ramparts of the mainland and islands unsoiled by human footprints drift past, an endless drama wrought in ice and snow.
This is because the top of the troposphere is normally very cold, causing ascending water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than continuing up into the stratosphere.
Later that afternoon I went to another lecture, about ice, in all its varieties: frazil, grease, brash, shuga, pancake, white, drift, rafting and fast.
Ice expected to drift away in the area around Snakes Island.
Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA, a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice.
The second reason we're starting now is because of the drift ice which normally starts around April. If we start now, we're able to avoid that.
The global distribution drift and seasonal variation of the sea ice are simulated and analyzed by using the monthly climatic atmospheric data.
However, recently eyewitnesses say drift ice now melts in as little as one week.
The character of temperature drift is analyzed according to the principle of ice detector, then presents the temperature compensation in which both software and hardware are combined.
The character of temperature drift is analyzed according to the principle of ice detector, then presents the temperature compensation in which both software and hardware are combined.