Sometime on February 12 or 13, B-09B struck the ice tongue.
2月12、13日的某个时候,B -09 B撞上了默兹冰舌。
When an ice tongue such as the Jakobshavn calves, the glacier feeding that ice tongue typically accelerates.
The "ice island" was the largest calving event on the glacier since 1962, and researchers estimated Petermann lost nearly a quarter of its floating ice tongue in one go.
You can improve an ice cream headache by rapidly rubbing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warm up things.
A European satellite image of the entire glacier tongue shows the ice body's rugged surface. Deep cracks-crevasses-give the glacier tongue its rough texture.
The water beyond the tongue and the iceberg is black in these images, and contains far less ice.
The glacier tongue had previously contributed to keeping a section of the ocean free of ice, a condition known as a polynya.
With the motorized ice cream cone, just stick out your tongue, and let the ice cream lick you!
As more ice flows toward the water, the tongue grows longer. Eventually, a piece will break off, forming a large iceberg.
Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.
Sea ice abuts the floating glacier tongue except in three places along the front of the glacier.These ice-free areas are called polynyas.
从图上可以看到,海冰(Seaice) 和漂浮着的冰川紧靠着,只有在冰川前边的三处地方例外,这种没有冰的区域称作冰穴(Polynyas)。
And with Western ice cream parlors popping up all over China, many of those international flavors are just waiting to melt on your tongue.
This isn't only reserved for kids. Give anyone who doesn't like the taste of medicine an ice cube to numb their tongue beforehand.
With the motorized ice cream, just stick out your tongue, and let the ice cream lick you!
It's too hot, my tongue is on fire. Can you give me some ice water?
One team recently revealed that eating ice cream from a cone tastes better that eating it from a spoon, as the mixture forms a thin layer across the whole of the tongue.
The production process of the invention can also be applied to the production of ice cream sticks, toothpicks, medical tongue depressor, cotton swab sticks and other products.
The production process of the invention can also be applied to the production of ice cream sticks, toothpicks, medical tongue depressor, cotton swab sticks and other products.