It also means that this might be an ideal country to produce hydrogen fuel.
It is that contrast which makes the country house so important to crime fiction. And Pemberley is the ideal country house in every sense.
The item"Utopia"originates from the Englishman Thomas More's famous work"Utopia", in which More put forth effort to describe an ideal country.
I very much like English, hoping to learn English well, I ideal country in the United Kingdom, I hope that the students can go to the United Kingdom, and I hope I can achieve the dream!
Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.
The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling.
Ron Paul: Well, we haven’t reached the ideal and we’re not likely to, but I think our country started off pretty well.
This is a sharp contrast with almost all previous surveys, which showed the ideal of the two-child family persisted regardless of what was actually happening in the country.
Set to turn 59 next month, Mr Putin prides himself on his image as a Judo-loving energetic action man who is in ideal shape to lead the world's largest country.
China's culture of conspicuous consumption and its big luxury market make the country an ideal place to 'generate new ideas and new concepts,' Mr. Boulay said.
The vastness of the land, the relative small population, and the rich natural resources make the country the most ideal place to live.
The more open country of the Gombe Stream Reserve is ideal for field study, though the behavior of apes living there might not be the same as that of apes in the dense forests.
The country has a superficially Western feel to it-ideal for Westerners studying or teaching in Asia, and for Asians who want to acclimatise to Western culture.
It's a nice ideal if you're living on a tropical island, or out in the country, or if you have a job that allows control of your schedule... but it's not realistic for your life.
Holding to the ideal of "egalitarianism," the country prides itself on making no distinction of ethnic background or race.
With rugged terrain and a dispersed population, fearsomely armed and bound by tribal loyalties, the country has long been an ideal refuge for bandits, rebels and, lately, terrorists.
Soldiering and drug-dabbling seemed ideal for him: a chain-smoking country lad of little education, but with a way of making friends and a streak of uncompromising violence.
This election season is an ideal time to look into the family trees of our candidates and their critics to learn more about the ties that make them all part of this great country.
Is because of us, our people, is maintaining to the ancestors ideal loyalty, initiates the document to our country following.
Studying abroad provides students with an ideal chance to enhance their understanding of the local culture in another country.
The thought of world peace is always the value ideal of the country and the society in ancient China.
They are ideal for the office, the country club or even a relaxing day around the house.
Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family.
Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family.