These security attributes are the principal identity and the group information.
"Any identity that's important to you, if you feel it's threatened, you're going to engage in behavior that will reinstate your place in that group," she says.
Add the user and group identity mapping information in the EIM server.
The group wasn't told the identity of the applicants.
For this component, we cover only the group of services related to identity analytics.
What is the patient's group of identity?
I don't know about that. I am not so sure. "But then, we realized that like when we walk out that door, it's the whole world again." So you get sucked up by your group, by your sort of identity.
How does the group perceive threats to its identity and interests?
In particular the identity of one of the supposed bidders—Rank Group of New Zealand—caused a stir.
尤其是其中一位竞拍者的身份:新西兰兰科 集团(RankGroup),更是激起了一阵轰动。
STS applies any required identity mapping (group retrieval, attribute retrieval).
If CONTROL access is granted to a group, such as AP2USRS, it would allow users in that group to set both origin and identity context.
A rising group of young Indians conceives of class very differently: not as a fixed identity, but as a transient situation, and a situation that can change.
The first change is a new visual identity that celebrates the volunteers who make the group possible.
If you are in the group that asked for the first reason, you should not be using the application identity, plain and simple.
Around half put their identity as South Africans before their racial or ethnic group.
And once part of a group, a process called deindividuation means that people often give up their personal identity and values.
As our group membership forms our identity, it is only natural for us to want to be part of groups that are both high status and have a positive image.
The application invokes the ACL's permit method to determine authorization, passing in identity information in the form of a group or a user identifier.
A Subject can also be used as a default source for group and identity information.
This kind of means can assure the identity of the member and grade close, form inherent group.
International Mother language Day is an ideal opportunity to highlight the importance of languages to group and individual identity, as the foundation for all social, economic and cultural life.
Culture identity refers to one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.
Once the user's identity is obtained, the DB2 group membership lookup plug-in (also known as the group plug-in) is used to generate a list of group authorization IDs for the user.
一旦获取用户的身份,将使用DB 2组成员查找插件(即groupplug - in)为用户生成组授权ID列表。
A sense of one's personal or collective identity, especially the complex of attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or a group.
Psychologists argue that a person loses their moral identity in a large group, and empathy and guilt - the qualities that stop us behaving like criminals - are corroded.
But, she also warned that acting differently risks losing the benefits that come with conforming, such as Shared group identity and trust.
Please express the extent of overlapping of your personal identity with group identity.
In case of dispute, the group manager can reveal the identity of actual signer.
In case of dispute, the group manager can reveal the identity of actual signer.