If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.
If the opposite is true, it is not true love.
If that is true, though, it is because the laws of physics do not let you warp space-time enough to create them-not because they let you kill your grandfather before you are born.
I'm not saying that bit of advice is wrong, but if you don't question it and understand why it's true, you may end up making a very bad decision for yourself.
But if we see a true value and purpose to it, as a minimalist, the price is worth it, because being a minimalist is not always going for the cheapest option.
If that is true, why is it that removing the appendix apparently does not have negative side effects?
It also is true of policy-makers who get to claim a win if things work out but who do not suffer the way that taxpayers or soldiers suffer if things do not work out.
The book's subtitle is the less engaging “A Study of Economics as if People Mattered”, but it is more true to its content. For the book is not a paean to smallness.
Even if it were true that the vast majority of the human mind is unused (which it clearly is not), that fact in no way implies that any extra capacity could somehow give people paranormal powers.
It is not necessary to apply this predicate explicitly to every element to see if it is true, since processing can stop after the third node.
Is it true that the earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
Yet, if the premises (' all men are tall, Fred is a man ') are not true then although the argument is rational and logical, it remains false.
Whatever the true result of the election, it is now plain that there is a vast constituency, even if it is not yet provably a majority, crying out for freedom.
If true, this is alarming news, and the only surprise is that Japan has not publicised it.
And if it is true in service industries such as investment banking or legal advice, the lower costs are clearly not passed on to customers.
But it's not certainly true and if this premise is true then this conclusion is not even probably true is it?
This is the true warning signal: if MDR-TB is not vigorously addressed, it stands to replace the mainly drug-susceptible strains currently responsible for 95% of the world's TB cases.
If you even bother to say 'that story has no whit of truth to it' they write that you denied that that story is true, which is not the same thing as saying what we wrote was absolutely wrong.
Hopefully you know the true agenda, but if not, it is always best to follow criticism with caution.
Because sometimes we think if we change partners, married to another wife or husband, then we will feel very, very much better. But it is not always true.
Love is not true if it doesn't break any rules. That's what my father said.
The argument is not saying, "if something is possible, if I can imagine it, it's true."
If Gell's story is true - and while we're inclined to believe it may be for now, it will likely not be forever - his wife is an exception on the woman spectrum, not the rule.
If $userchoice is false (see Table 1), then Perl checks the value of $systemchoice and so on until it gets to the last value, which is always used, whether it's true or not.
如果 $userchoice 为假(请参阅表1),那么Perl就需要检查 $systemchoice的值,依此类推,直到最后一个值,这个值通常都会被使用,不管它是真还是假。
The family was not well off but his mother gave him a work ethic and was prone to sayings such as: “If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.”
Basically, if it is set to true, this flag tells the tool to apply that profile automatically to any model that does not have it already applied.
Basically, if it is set to true, this flag tells the tool to apply that profile automatically to any model that does not have it already applied.