But if the classic formula of simplicity is applied decision making can be much less time consuming and dress selection could be a very easy job.
To see what Hughes' blues poetry might have been like if he had truly adopted the classic blues as his model, one need only look to "Golden Brown Blues", a song lyric Hughes wrote for composer Handy.
Classic copyright protection laws provide that even if you scribble on paper, you will automatically own the copyright of the information on that paper.
But if you're using whole disks as single partitions, then the classic rules for RAID configurations fully apply.
“This creates a source of instability: the classic ‘original sin’ of currency and maturity mismatch, ” says Ms Park. “It will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources.
"This creates a source of instability: the classic 'original sin' of currency and maturity mismatch," says Ms Park. "it will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources."
This classic parable provides the audience with a moral that resonates with all of humanity: If you put monkeys in charge of society, don't be surprised when everything explodes.
If you are well-off, the confident tone, classic watch, and Italian shoes will wordlessly communicate that you are a blue-chip investment.
If you look beyond the computers that lie between a spammer and his mark, you can see all the classic techniques of a con-man: buy this stock, before everyone else does.
If you don't know where you're going, and they don't know where they're going, we have a classic case of the blind leading the blind; both of you will end-up in a ditch.
If you already have a data source defined to II Classic, you can skip the setup steps for the same product data.
If you want (or need) to exit the classic style menu simply right click on the "Start menu Orb Icon" to open the "exit Window".
Linux Mint 11 will use the classic Gnome desktop by default but of course, you'll be able to use Unity or Gnome Shell if you want.
If you are partial to singing in the shower, pick a short pop classic to shower to; and when lathering up think about turning the flow off until you are ready to rinse.
如果你有在淋浴时唱歌的习惯,那就选个短点的经典流行歌曲唱吧。 还有,擦沐浴露搓泡泡的时候记得把水流关掉,到冲洗的时候再打开。
What if classic films like 'the Godfather' or 'Star Wars' had never been made and had to be cast for the first time, today?
If you took a jazz-history course before 2000 or so, you almost certainly listened to The Smithsonian Collection of Classic jazz.
With the ritual setting in order, he then humbly presented me a classic martial arts manual, and asked if I could explain the introduction of the book for him.
SDO is important for data representation, even if there is no classic data source in the picture.
If you know the Classic, Gold and Platinum concept in differentiating the credit CARDS, you will have a better idea.
"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it" is one of the classic truisms of management.
But if you are planning to migrate to the JPA standard and enjoy those benefits, then there are several considerable reasons for migrating from Hibernate "Classic" to the WebSphere JPA solution.
但如果您正在计划迁移到JPA标准并享受其中的好处,那么有几个强有力的原因促使您从Hibernate“经典”迁移到WebSphere JPA解决方案。
If you still haven’t heard by now, Mifare Classic, the RFID technology behind the Oyster Card in London, as well as by other transit operators in Boston and the Netherlands, have been compromised.
In the present context, the Classic Registry provides for searching for the service metadata if the exact name of the service is known.
If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words.
If you decide you can’t stand the new interface, though, all you have to do is reboot and choose Ubuntu Classic from the bottom of the logon screen.
So without further ado, here are the recommended classic books along with the Amazon and free download links (if any).
Using Classic Registry component, check if a service description with the exact input name of the service exists in the Classic Registry.
使用ClassicRegistry组件,检查一个有精确服务输入名称的服务描述是否存在于 Classic Registry 之中。
Using Classic Registry component, check if a service description with the exact input name of the service exists in the Classic Registry.
使用ClassicRegistry组件,检查一个有精确服务输入名称的服务描述是否存在于 Classic Registry 之中。